A day in the life of...

...the inner rumblings.

Monday, September 08, 2008

posting with integrity?

who posted? Kristine |

some of you may have seen a post I made earlier today. after thinking a lot, chatting with mom and my friend parker, I decided it would be best to pull it. for those of you who have been asking me questions about the recent decisions made in the political world, I'd be happy to share my thoughts, you'll just need to let me know! :) and, I'll need your email address...you know where to find me.

Monday, September 08, 2008

also...meet Jimi!

who posted? Kristine |

Jimi just made his big move to Alaska from Arkansas. we're quickly becoming best buds, although, he's going to have to fatten up a bit so I don't hurt him petting him?!! he currently weighs 1lb 13oz and will probably only gain another lb or 2. he's great!
