A day in the life of...

...the inner rumblings.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

too blessed...

who posted? Kristine |

as I get off the elevator on the 17th floor of the Atwood building, I see standing there, Bob, one of my favorite security detail troopers. Bob is 70 something, white haired, the perfect grandpa, and is married to Kitty, who is from Germany. Bob is former Army and has endless stories. he always has a great come-back of some sort, regardless of the topic. he talks about how Kitty goes to see her family in Germany and makes him just enough meals to tide him over till she gets back. she'll also make him cookies and then hide them so he doesn't eat them all in one sitting. Bob adores Kitty. often, when I see him, I ask when he's going to give me the gun on his belt so I can move on to being a security staffer. he'll pull his jacket back and start taking it off, telling me he didn't want it anyway. He often reminds me that its not our jobs that matter, but our families, travel and enjoying life. you see, I love Bob.

well, yesterday, I get off the elevator and see Bob. I've missed him the past 3 months. I very excitedly say, "hi Bob! how are you?" Bob got this great grin on his face and says, "I'm too blessed to be stressed!" wow. WOW! not at all what I expected and yet completely thrilled with his words. they soothed my soul. they brought all of my realities to a screeching halt. nothing else mattered. I too, was blessed!

is that NOT the truth?? are we not ALL too blessed to be stressed? I lose site of this far too often. the little things get in the way. the big things get in the way. I get caught up in what is happening around me instead of constantly surrendering, laying down my ideas for the Fathers, and resting in the fact that HE has awesome plans for me. I don't ever want to take for granted Who God is, the ways He has blessed me, the ways He has provided for me, the ways He has gifted me, the ways HE LOVES ME!

I truly am too blessed to be stressed. 

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