A day in the life of...

...the inner rumblings.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


who posted? Kristine |

so far my day is fairly uneventful compared to the last few days. I guess thats a good thing at this point!??

my car goes in for a check up, then gets loaded and parked ready to pull out at o'dark thirty. 4:30a to be exact. we'll have dinner as a staff at The Hangar one last time tonight and thats that.

you'd think I was leaving forever, never to see this town again? not so. I'll be back in just two short weeks. thats when our intern starts and I get to come back to rainville to train him and get him up and running in the office. I guess its simply the end of this Legislative Session journey. one in which I've been chained to the city without much leaving. I will say, the two times I got to go home for a few days were most excellent and helped keep my sanity in tact. 

it really has been a good experience, lots learned, good memories, not so good memories, a few good friends made, relationships deepened. God is good!

and, for those of you who have been waiting for the smoky pictures, they're here

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