as I get off the elevator on the 17th floor of the Atwood building, I see standing there, Bob, one of my favorite security detail troopers. Bob is 70 something, white haired, the perfect grandpa, and is married to Kitty, who is from Germany. Bob is former Army and has endless stories. he always has a great come-back of some sort, regardless of the topic. he talks about how Kitty goes to see her family in Germany and makes him just enough meals to tide him over till she gets back. she'll also make him cookies and then hide them so he doesn't eat them all in one sitting. Bob adores Kitty. often, when I see him, I ask when he's going to give me the gun on his belt so I can move on to being a security staffer. he'll pull his jacket back and start taking it off, telling me he didn't want it anyway. He often reminds me that its not our jobs that matter, but our families, travel and enjoying life. you see, I love Bob.
its so, so good to be home. the sun is shining and has been shining since I pulled in to town?!! who knew the sun could shine for so many days straight?? it does wonders for my soul. I knew I was deficient, but I didn't realise just how bad I guess.
the girls all went down to Kenai over the weekend, and relaxed by the river. we had this great little house with a big deck and lots of sun on the deck, so we just soaked. it was still a little chilly, so we could be found, in our sleeping bags, faces to the sky, loving God's creation, live and in person! so therapeutic. we made the best steaks ever, celebrated Anna's birthday and ate way too much junk food.
the week is quickly passing and it seems like I've hardly had time to catch my breath. my house is a wreck and in desperate need of cleaning up after the storm of moving home. my heart is at peace, there is rest and much fulfillment. God is good.
3:57a is not my favorite part of the day. but, if it has to be done in order to get home, I'll take it. that's when my alarm went of this morning. thanks to a shot of NyQuil and my head hitting the pillow at 7:37pm, I woke up feeling mostly normal. God loves me. and, between my dear mother and myself asking for grace and an alert head, the Father blessed me.
4:57a I arrived at the Auke Bay ferry terminal. it was dead and the sign on the door said office hours were from 8a-5p. what? but you said check-in was 2 hours prior to the ferry leaving and my ferry was scheduled for 7a?!! what is going on. no one was around. not a soul. so, I sat, looked up my ferry info on my iPhone and called. no answer. "please call back during normal office hours, 8a-5pm. have a nice day." what? is this a joke? did they cancel my ferry? what are they thinking?? have a nice day? I want to go home. how is this a nice day if you won't put me on your ferry?!
5:03a. a nasty old van pulls into the parking lot and a girl in her flannel pj's jumps out and goes into the ladies room. I quickly jump out of my car and follower her, hoping her driver doesn't think I'm a psycho stalker of some sort. "excuse me. I'm really sorry. I noticed you came in here. I'm trying to catch the ferry, am I at the right place??" "no. you're not. you need to go up the road 5 miles." "thank you! are there signs? will I know it when I see it?" "yeah, you'll see it." "thank you SO much and again, I'm sorry to bother you." "sure."
5:04a. I jump back in the car and SPEED up the road to the REAL terminal. sure enough. clear as day.
5:11a all checked in, settled in to line 4, ready to go.
6:07a the cars are starting to move. line 1 clears out. line 2 clears out. line 3, the first car drives down the ramp. the little lady in the orange vest stops everything. whats going on? why are we stopping? I want on. soon, a new little man in an orange vest starts motioning to me. I'm the second car in line, in the 4th line. why is he motioning me out of line? I roll down my window and ask, "did you want me to go?" "yes dear, drive on up, its your turn." huh, weird. apparently my car is just the perfect size to cut in line?! who knew. I pull in, do the big turn through the empty deck in to the tiny line, close between two walls. I can barely get out of the car its so tight. I get my purse and laptop bag, coffee thermos and my red Starbucks mug. absolutely I'm going to pour my coffee into my mug and drink it like a civilized person. why not?! Andy from another Leg office pulls in behind me in his 08 Tacoma. "hey Andy." "hey." I make my way to the top, look for an outlet along the wall and stake out my turf for the ride to Haines. the front of the ferry is mostly empty, so the pickings are wide open.
6:27a still no Darwin. where is the man? does he not know he is my 4X4 support system? sure he does. he knows. he knows I don't want to drive this alone. he was protective and kind driving down, he wouldn't ditch me now. would he? he knows I hate the road between Haines and Tok. nah, he's probably in the truck line, waiting to board.
6:31a time to text him. I called last night, left a message and he never called me back. "are you on the ferry yet? you're not going to make me drive this alone, are you??" nothing.
6:33a I walk to the back where the kitchen and dining area is. Dirk and Andy are sitting, laughing, chatting, waiting for the kitchen to open up. "hey guys!" "hey, how's it going?" "good. you haven't seen Darwin, have you?" "no, isn't he here?" "no..." my phone beeps...Darwin texted. "sorry, can't make it. hope there are other leggies to travel with." "WHAT??? he just texted. said he can't make it!?!!" Dirk starts laughing. "he can't make it??? want to drive with us?" "YES! yes, I do!! but what the heck?!!! why would he do this??? he knew I was going with him, he knew I didn't want to drive this alone!" Dirk keeps laughing and starts joking about texting acronyms. "yeah...can't make it...LOL...IDK...FYI..." "so, are you guys driving straight through or are you stopping?" "yeah, we're driving straight through." BAH! well, sure hope that coffee is working well and I can make it 17 hours of driving!!!
6:49a I call Keith, tell him Darwin stood me up and gave him Dirks name and the office he's from so he knows who I'm traveling with, should I not show up. gave him Renee's contact info and told him she would know how to get ahold of people in his office. Keith assures me it will be fine, the weather shouldn't be too bad and that I shouldn't push it too hard. just get to Tok. if you have to drive alone from there, you'll be fine. the worst will be going from Haines to Tok. you'll be fine. really. you're car is in good shape. the roads won't be too bad. just don't drive too fast. feeling assured by one of the best, protective brothers in the world, I hung up and called Renee since she had tried calling while I was on with Keith.
7:03a "what the @#$!!? he didn't show?!? #$%^!!!!" "yeah, I know. I have no clue. maybe he hates me?! I dont know, but I found Dirk and Andy and I'll just drive with them. they are driving straight through, so hopefully I can stay awake." "you'll be fine. just stay with them at least to Tok. if you need to sleep in Tok, you'll be fine from there home. I've done it a million times. but what the @!#%#@?!! what is he doing?!! the @#$#%%!!!"
7:56a ...yeah...
the rain has slowed a bit. there is still fog. I want so much to be able to see where we're going. its gorgeous out here. the mountains are amazing. if you can see them. seeing them being the key. maybe it will lift and I'll actually be able to see.
maybe the kitchen has something decent to eat.
9:37a the kitchen didn't have anything interesting but as I got in line to fill my mug with fresh coffee, the ferry chef of 30 years says, "if you tell me a joke, the coffee's free for the rest of the day!" "but, I don't know any jokes!" "story, got any stories?" "HA! yeah, I have a story. I'll tell ya a story..." I proceeded to tell him about the bagel and the smoke. he laughs, tells me he knows Naomi and says, "coffees free for the day, drink as much as you like, cream's around the corner..."
11:11a I tried laying on the floor to sleep but to no avail. Jason called and left a message. "just got a note from Darwin, heard he's not on the ferry. I hope you're ok. I'll catch the next ferry and drive you to Anchorage if you want...I'm sorry."
12:01p we pull out of Haines, "driving straight through..."
3p Haines Junction, not much to see, get gas, keep going.
6:30p HELLO AMERICA! US/Alaska Border.
8:07p Tok...gas, nasty sandwiches at the grocery, a jug of milk, bag of baby carrots and we're off to the races.
Somewhere between Glennallen and Palmer, Dirk got a little crazy and decided he wanted to get home NOW. we had lost Andy by this point and 90mph was our consistent. mmm, speed is good. however, when there is a herd of caribou on the side of the road, you'd really rather not take them out! no mom, we didn't hit any. (we did come close though!) :)
12:07a Welcome to Palmer! "Goodbye Dirk! Have a great night!"
1:27a Anchorage never looked so good!!! I could hardly keep my eyes open, could hardly walk, crawled up the stairs and into my bed! THANK YOU JESUS for a safe, FAST, trip.
you can find pictures here.
more later...
so far my day is fairly uneventful compared to the last few days. I guess thats a good thing at this point!??
its over. they're headed home. the ferry is starting to fill up each morning as the city empties of the law makers, lobbyist and staffers. its been a quick 90 days and we're all glad to be headed home.
what do you get when it rains and snows at the same time? snoin. its snoining. I want to go home.
the 89th day, and smoke.
its the 2nd to last day of session and I'm at the office. on a Saturday. its what we call "normal."
my day started around 7:43am, by hitting snooze about 7 times before finally rolling over and making a rather feeble attempt to get out of my warm, cozy bed. Saturday's are not for getting up on. they are for lounging. in my sweats. not in work clothes.
I pulled up to Renee's by 9:03am, one 20oz, skinny Chai Latte and one 20oz, skinny white mocha w/ caramel, in hand. let the day begin.
and, I had snacks in my bag. yogurt, a bagel with strawberry cream cheese and an orange. I was set. I can do this. I can make it through this day.
I get my personal laptop all set up at my desk and head to the break room to toast my bagel.
1st MISTAKE OF THE DAY! don't go to the break room, Kris, don't do it.
the building is full, the law makers, lobbyist and staff are here. the Governor is on her way in, the Chief of Staff is hard at work, ensuring her bills will get through the Senate floor today at 11. its going to be a busy day. committees are meeting, decisions are being made. rumor has it the Legislature will be done today instead of tomorrow. we'll see. no one's holding their breath. this is our first 90 day session, down from 120, can they finish on time or will we have to call a special session? the question looms. the energy is thick, emotions running thin, adrenaline is what is keeping everyone on their toes. no one's had much sleep this week. and the rain continues to fall.
the bagel goes into the toaster, I go back to my desk to start up my computer. a few minutes later, I check on it and its barely toasted. change the settings, start it again. back to work. 4 minutes later, check on it again. this time, aw shucks, its too dark. I pop it up and debate whether or not I care to eat a half burnt bagel.
then. it happened. MISTAKE #1 comes to life.
the fire alarm starts whirling, screaming, mocking. get out! get out, quick!
"what? are we doing a drill? why would they do a drill right now? its Saturday. its the 2nd to last day of the Legislative session. we're busy here, can't you see? we dont have time for this....
(long pause in my head...)
...ohhhh. oh no. OH NO!!!! its me. I did it. I made the alarm go off. STUPID BAGEL!! I just burned a bagel and the fire alarm is going off. I JUST MADE THE FIRE ALARM GO OFF ON THE 2ND TO LAST DAY OF SESSION, IN THE CAPITOL BUILDING OF THE STATE OF ALASKA!!! Legislators, lobbyists, staff..."
I didn't know what to do. who to call, how to make it stop. I quick propped the door to the outside stairway open and ran down the hall to the Governor's security detail, Tom. "Tom! Tom! I think it was me, I think it was me!" ...I said in a hushed tone. Tom ran with me back down the hall, asked what I had burned and said, "yep, I think it was you." He got on the phone, called building security, who alerted the fire department, who by the way, was on their way with a fire truck and an ambulance. Why would you send an ambulance? To carry me away to lock me in the padded, white room? probably.
I walked to the window and then quickly walked away. Legislators, lobbyist, staff, visitors...all standing out in the parking lot, in the rain, with faces of disgust and confusion, looking up at my office window. I couldn't look at them. they would all know shortly it was me who caused them to have to be uprooted from their coffee and computer to run down the stairs, in the rain, at the threat of the State Capitol burning to the ground. it was me, who brought the Senate Finance Committee meeting to a halt, as they were about to make a decision on whether or not to increase the Business License fee. it was me. that one girl in the Lt. Governor's office. on the third floor. it was her.
its the 89th day. and there was smoke.
sister has been blogging regularly now for a few months and as I was scrolling through hers, and others blogs, I thought it might be a good therapy for me as well!
the day is gloomy, the sky is low, the snow is resting a couple hundred feet up the mountain while rain falls quietly and lightly down in the city. its Juneau. and, its a typical, damp, political day, this 88th day of the 25th Legislative Session.
we're down to the wire. the politicians continue hammering out who gets what, what money goes where, and who will side with who on which project. its what we call "normal" in these parts. offers are given, deals are made and unfortunately, backs are stabbed.
and, we continue to call it normal.
what happened to integrity, honor, respect, honesty and a desire to do whats best for the people of Alaska?
there is cynicism, there is frustration and yes, there is weariness in the tone.
I'm ready to be done. I want to go home to my red walls.
who it is...

- Kristine
- I'm a girl, on a journey, looking for the things in life that will challenge and grow me to my full potential.
those I love in blog land...
Wells10 years ago
It doesn’t look like it sounds11 years ago
spring flowers13 years ago